Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Summer 2024

 Before I forget all the fun stuff we did this summer, I wanted to jot it down here.  This was a summer on-the-go.  From Joe in Brazil and S and I on the boat in Nantucket and Cuttyhunk to days with our forever friends in Aptos, CA (Joe's first time sitting at a bar - hello, Cliff!), Atlantic City for a Classic Birthday Bash to celebrate Grammy's 78th birthday and lastly, Spain!  Where the 3 of us enjoyed the beaches of Cabo de Palos and Alicante and time together with a beautiful, loving, kind hearted extended family.   So much to be grateful for - my heart is filled with the warmth of loving so many great people.  

Monday, July 1, 2024


From a post written by Faustin Weber:  

Trying to put some thoughts to my Teen Faith Group this week.   With that on my mind: 

Too often we are not bold enough in our aspirations for our students!  CS Lewis, in Mere Christianity, gives us an arresting analogy for the Christian life, which I believe beautifully summarizes the mission of our schools.  Imagine, Lewis says, we are living in a house: 

"God comes in to rebuild that house.   At first, perhaps, we understand what He is doing.  He is getting the drains right and stopping the leaks in the house and so on; you knew those jobs needed to be done so you are not surprised.  But presently He starts knocking the house about in a way that hurts abominably and does not seem to make sense.  What on Earth is He up to?  The explanation is that He is building quite a different house from the one we thought of - throwing out a new wing here, putting on an extra floor there, running up towers, making courtyards.  We thought we were being made into a decent little cottage but He is building a palace.  He intends to come and live in it Himself."

Highschool is a time of genuine growth and character development for teenagers.  With an elevated vision of what's possible for them, with a clear understanding that genuine growth includes the development of their bodies, characters and spirits, we believe that God can truly build palaces - cathedrals even - in the lives of our students and they, in turn, can turn his love outward in a life of learning and service to others.  

Optimistic? You bet. 

But it's not superficial "polly-annish" optimism that believes that teenagers will always be gushingly positive and happy throughout their years with us.  Growing up is tough.  When God starts knocking about the house, as CS Lewis reminds us, it hurts.  This is the time we must be bold as a school, convinced of our mission. There will be times when teens cling to their childishness.  There will be occasions hen students don't do well on a test or when they come home in tears over what someone said.  At times, they may feel estranged from us.  During these times, let us take the long view.  Remember that a teenager's best friend can become an enemy in a day, a teenager's favorite teacher can become a villian in one class.  The life of a teenager is rollercoaster, but our job is to stay the course.   

Our audacious optimism in kids, after all, is born out of our abiding belief in God's grace and the magnificent things he can do with teenagers if they're placed in a culture that challenges them to live their faith, stretch for their goals, and provides support to them when they stumble. 

If we can create such a culture, the sky's the limit for them.   

Wednesday, June 26, 2024


As we enjoy cruisers life in Cuttyhunk, more on that later, I think about what it means to become unattached.  Unattached to the comforts of home, unattached to having J with close by, unattached to our daily routine.  

I believe in the importance of finding the balance between appropriate attachment (security) and being unattached (freedom, risk, independence). 

   The Laws of Detachment - Liz Tran 

1. Allow others to be who they are
2. Allow yourself to be who you are
3. Don't force situations
4. Solutions will emerge
5. Uncertainty is reality 

(Cuttyhunk 2024) 

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Live Aboard

Tomorrow we move on to the boat for a few weeks.  Looking forward to a new adventure in live-aboard life!  

Relaxing is not the only way to recharge.  Finding meaning is a source of fuel.  A restorative break doesn't just avoid tasks that burn you out.  It includes people and projects that fire you up.  Detaching from stress prevents exhaustion.  Attached to purpose elevates energy - Adam Grant

(taken a few weeks ago in Bald Head Island, off the coast of Wilmington NC.  Part 1 of our summer boating adventure)

Tuesday, June 18, 2024


My J took off for Rio!  He's been going there for Christmas or winter breaks for a few years but since it's summer time and this trip is a bit longer, it felt a little different!   My boy, 11, headed to a Middle School, a new school - which should be his home for 6-12th, , inching towards that freedom he craves, right back to his mama and back out again.....    As they say, give them wings to want to fly and roots to know where home will always be.  

He's been taking Portuguese classes via Zoom and his favorite phrase is "Sao um mintinio mai"  - let's see what he comes back saying!   11.  Loved beyond words.  

Monday, June 17, 2024

Welcome Summer 2024

 We kicked off summer this weekend with my friend and her girls.   We mini-golfed, made fresh pasta, played ping pong and board games and caught up.   A perfect weekend to fill the soul and prepare for a great summer!  

                                                     A few rules for happiness: 

                                                            Go outside


                                                  Spend less than you earn 

                                            Don't take yourself or life too seriously

                                                Look for ways to make it work

                                              Contribute more than you consume

                                                    Be happy for others

                                                        Say hello first

                                                          Be reliable 

                                                                James Clear                                                                    

Monday, May 13, 2024

Life Lessons: James Simons

 via The Free Press

  1. Do something new; don’t run with the pack. I am not such a fast runner. If I am one of N people all working on the same problem, there is very little chance I will win. If I can think of a new problem in a new area, that will give me a chance.

  2. Surround yourself with the smartest people you can find. When you see such a person, do all you can to get them on board. That extends your reach, and terrific people are usually fun to work with.

  3. Be guided by beauty. This is obviously true in doing mathematics or writing poetry, but it is also true in fashioning an organization that is running extremely well and accomplishing its mission with excellence.

  4. Don’t give up easily. Some things take much longer than one initially expects. If the goal is worth achieving, just stick with it.

  5. Hope for good luck!