Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Farmer Dave's CSA

This is our second year participating in Farmer Dave's CSA.  It is a wonderful program where each week we pick up a crate of farm fresh vegetables.  Not only am I proud to support locally based agriculture, but the vegetables are delicious and it's a great value.  I highly recommend it to anyone interested!


Monday, August 26, 2013

Question for us all....

Doesn't everything die at last,
and too soon?
Tell me, what is it you plan to do
with your one wild and precious life?
—Mary Oliver

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

A day at the pool

Yesterday I took you to a neighborhood pool.  It might have been the best day of your little life.  My boy, you had so much fun splashing around.  The water was cold but it didn't stop you.  You were the youngest in the pool but it didn't stop you.  You were soaked ---- water in your eyes, water all over your face but nothing could stop you from splashing and loving every moment of it.

It was impossible to watch you and not be filled with such joy.  My little water bug.  I love you more than fish in the sea....

Monday, August 19, 2013

starting where I am....

The summer is always a time of abandoning schedules and being a bit more free form.  I eat worse, I sleep too late in the morning, I exercise less.   As we know, life is a balancing act.  A delicate balance of being relaxed and being disciplined...   Holding on and letting go....  Finding the right equilibrium for yourself.

As much as I have enjoyed the summer, I am craving more structure.  Rather than get bogged down by how derailed I have become or how far my goals seem to be, I will start where I am.   A commitment on this Monday, August 20, 2013, to a better self.   Involving some daily exercise, mediation and writing.  It will help to visit this space with more frequency again.   My little place in the internet that centers me.   Upward and onward we go in the infinite quest for peace.


Monday, August 5, 2013


When we travel, my husband and I will enjoy the museums of a foreign city.  However, being a life long Boston resident I am a bit embarrassed to admit, I had never been to the MFA right here in our home town.   All weekend I was the fortunate recipient of a surprise itinerary --- a reminder to enjoy the beautiful life we have.  Our weekend included oysters, beers, kayaks, bloody marys, and a trip to the MFA.

Joy begins with gratitude.  I am feeling super grateful for a wonderful, smart, creative and interesting husband who passionately and courageously lives his life.   My heart is full today.