Can we relate the rising cases of anxiety to the incessant flow of information? Are attention deficit problems a result of plugging-in? I want to explore...
Ironically, the tab to the Atlantic article on Is Google Making us Stupid is still open because quiet simply, I don't have the attention span to finish it! Even being conscious of it, I find myself clicking out of the article to check email, to read something else, or just generally distract myself with nothing of importance 5-10 times in a single article (!!). That is really frightening to me.
I've been using the past two weeks to prepare for September. More to come, but I'm using September and the "back to school" feeling to kick my productivity into a next gear, Rather than dive right in, I've used these two weeks to start to flush off the cobwebs and get things in line. Among other things I hope to achieve, is a less internet addicted self. I plan to unplug with more time reading books and being outside.