Every Wednesday, since J has been 3 months old, has been spent with his Grammy. What a gift that routine has been... My mom was a 3rd grade teacher before having kids and then a stay at home mom raising her own three. I commend her for raising independent, strong, professional career women despite that route not appealing to her very much.
At 70 years old, she is all creativity and play. Yesterday I got a text from her telling me that they spent 4 hours at the pool and then came home and "found monsters" in her neighborhood and made them invisible with squirt guns. ...and rode his jeep ....and had a picnic. Of course.
Joseph lights up when he sees her and cries when its time to go. She is pure love and joy and fun in his eyes. There is always a game - mechanic Grammy and mechanic Joe was happening last week while they "fixed" his toy cars. Or a car wash, a bicycle wash, an adventure.... a simple, old school, adventure. A pause of gratitude for her patience, creativity and love of my little boy, her grandson. Their love is electric.