“People will choose unhappiness over uncertainty.” - Tim Ferriss
Fear is a disease plaguing modern day America. Kids aren't taught to fail. Life has become so comfortable that our addiction to achievement, people-pleasing, safety, correct-ness is making risk less and less palatable.
FEAR: // Proposed shift in thinking:
What if it doesn't go right? <friends and family will think I'm dumb> // what lessons will it teach me -- mistakes are great teachers.
What if I get there and don't like it. <I have wasted time> // Isn't dreaming of things you'll never do equally (more) of a waste of time.
What if I get hurt <I hate a bruised ego or broken heart> // Everyone does. But it doesn't kill you nor does it stay broken/bruised forever.
What if I am not strong enough to finish <I will realize I am weak> // You are weaker if you don't try. The person with the least strength is the one who doesn't try.
What if I hate it once I start <Are dreams healthier in your head> // You can move on to a new dream that will be more fulfilling. We are not gifted a finite number of dreams to dream per lifetime.
What if I do it and it's everything I want it to be // Bliss.