Tuesday, November 13, 2018


In the beginning of 2018, I set "intention" as my word.  I wanted to live the year purposefully.   A lack of planning and dedicated focus is a bad habit I slip into and I wanted to improve.  My first goal was to begin building a true career - something I could be proud of and something that felt in line with my self-worth.   In April, I received an important promotion and in October another.  I am proud.  I have worked hard, managed my emotions, people pleased while having firm limits and achieved it.   The promotion was the beginning of the work.  I have the title, very much a hard part of the climb, but now I must contribute and deliver.

To help me do so, I enrolled in a Strategic HR Management course through Cornell.  It was my first formal learning experience in over 15 years and I was challenged.  I took 6 modules and completed probably 100 pages of writing and yesterday I finished!  Again, I am proud.  I am doing it.  I can do hard things. 

This post isn't to boast, but rather to record, for my own future reference, what I can do with a keen focus and concentration.  There's a difference between doing it and talking about it.   I'm doing it.  Onward.