Although my career hasn't been a straight forward path, I am pleased to be where I am today and I've learned a lot along the way. If my lessons help anyone else, I'm very glad to share. A few off the top of my head:
1. Your career is a long game. Have a plan for where you see yourself in 5 years. Remember, even the best of circumstances and teams WILL change. Be prepared for that change by continuing to grow, learn and broaden your network.
2. Do not burn bridges. Industries are small and your reputation is important. People understand that things don't always work out, but do your best to maintain relationships with former colleagues.
3. Self-motivate. Just because someone isn't asking for a task to be done, doesn't mean there's not work to do.
4. Be useful. Always.
5. Your opinion matters, but only sometimes. People know more than they may vocalize. You don't have to say everything you think.