I like to record simple observations about what J is up to these days and when I look at old posts some feel unimaginable and some feel like they were just yesterday.
So, here in the winter of your 7th year, a few things that have you excited:
1. You started piano lessons last week! You asked to take them and you are so enthusiastic after your first class. Your music teacher called you a "natural" which made my heart smile!
2. Still into science. We did a science enrichment class on MLK weekend and after it was done, you immediately asked if you could sign up again! You go into the bathroom with your goggles, food coloring and lab equipment and make concoctions!
3. We finally tried skiing with our friends Brooke and Allison. Not surprisingly, it's a hard sport for beginners but you did well, had a great attitude and say you'll go again. I'd like to find time to take you a bit more this winter since consistency really is the name of the game with skiing.
4. You continue to ace your spelling tests. We have our routine on Thursday night where we take turns being the teacher (giving the quiz) and being the student (taking the quiz). It's part of our week and our deal is if you do well and are prepared, you can enjoy ipad time on Friday. You love minecraft!
5. Your spirit continues to be positive, grateful, happy and sweet. I love watching you grow, my angel.