1. You still countdown until your time together
2. Your partner makes you feel safe and comfortable being who you are
3. When you're not together you still have a million things to say or text!
4. Life has a future and a present.
5. You're a better person because of the love in your partnership
6. Your partner pushes you to grow
7. You've gotten really good at handling your problems together
8. You've been together for awhile.
9. You're together for the right reasons despite societal impact or pressure.
10. You still want to date each other
11. You respect your partner's space but get inside it whenever you want
12. Your partner is loyal and faithful despite ups and downs of the relationship and life's temptations.
13. You cannot conceive a time without the other
A message to my younger self: let love surprise you. be receptive and vulnerable. but listen well and respect yourself. A healthy love withstands many storms, loses some battles but is our greatest gift. Do the hard work, it's worth it.