Father Greg Boyle, founder of Homeboy Industries, is in my opinion a modern day saint. His writing is consistent in its peacefulness and loving message. I turn to his books or his TED talks from time to time, when either I need a calming message or I just want to have an uplifting morning.
It's Sunday in January. S has left before me for a week long work conference. The week ahead will surely be stressful and require mental focus. And yet, before he leaves at 6am, he manages to read the manual of the new coffee machine and adjust the settings because I couldn't quite figure out how to get to my preferred drink.
Love is sacrifice. Love is waking up and doing something for someone else.
Father Boyle writes through his stories of the work with the most hardened communities about love and boundless compassion. He writes that he only tries to teach these men and women to see themselves as God sees them: worthy of being loved.
He quotes the poet Rumi writes, 'Find the real world, give it endlessly away, grow rich flinging gold to all who ask. Live at the empty heart of paradox. I’ll dance there with you—cheek to cheek.”
I have been a living witness of this paradox. Love multiplies by loving. It's a simple message, truly.
It is hard to love when you're not loved. It is easier to love when someone changes the coffee machine for you. Too many are unloved. Boyle writes, "just assume the answer to every question is compassion." 2023 goals.