Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Smoked Gouda

In an effort to make more lunches and save money and calories, I've been bringing some simple but tasty lunches to work.  Some days I bring a cooked sweet potato, some days leftovers from dinner and others (though less frequently) a salad.

Last night I was prepping some quinoa to bring in.  I wanted to cook it in a veggie stock - so I added some carrots, pepper and celery to my sautéed onion and garlic mix.   Worried that the flavor would still be too bland, I added a leftover chunk of smoked gouda I had from a party.  Amazing.  The entire broth filled with a perfectly smoky, salty flavor without adding bacon or pancetta (which in my experience hasn't worked nearly as well not to mention how much less healthy...)    I added a cup of quinoa and some cannelloni beans and voila - lunch.  Easy, healthy, cheap and tasty.

I'll definitely be remembering to try it in more recipes too --- the flavor profile is fantastic.
