Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Greatest Hits...

Sometimes I flip back through the pages here.  It's fun to recall where I was... some of the posts put me right back to that place - the origins of this blog were from my desk at 50 Rowes Wharf, thirty years old, deciding what I want to do with my life.

Much has changed - my son (!), a divorce, a career change (with some jobs in between...), two moves - to a house, out of the house, new friends, goodbyes and on and on the great world spins.

Despite the changes, I can look back at any post and remember just who was writing it and I know exactly who she was, what she was struggling with or celebrating and the direction she was pulling in.  The winds of life have changed but I remain a dreamer, an optimist, accountable, reflective, and certainly flawed. 

On that note, I thought it would be fun to pull out a few "greatest hits" - posts from years ago that still feel as pertinent, or more, than ever before. 

October 7, 2016:  Progress through something traumatic, it's not linear.  It's not like we go from unhealthy to healthy, failure to success.  I think it's all circular.  You just come back around to the same pain, and the same loneliness.  But each time you come around you're stronger from the climb" - Glennon Doyle Menton 

October 3, 2012: "You cannot change anything in your life with intention alone, which can become a watered-down, occasional hope that you’ll get to tomorrow.  Intention without action is useless." - Carolyn Myss

February 10, 2012: "Simple living is about living deliberately. Simple living is not about austerity, or frugality, or income level. It's about being fully aware of why you are living your particular life, and knowing that life is one you have chosen thoughtfully. Simple living is about designing our lives to coincide with our ideals." – Janet Luhrs, The Simple Living Guide

On March 3, 2015, I asked myself the question of what it means to thrive.  I answered: "For me, to thrive is to exist with purpose.  To pursue personal growth, authentic self acceptance and peace in both my inner and outer experience"   

A worthy and relevant pursuit.