The immigration crisis in the US continues to be a significant humanitarian issue. It is estimated that more than 700 children have been detained. While immigration is an extremely complex issue, not all of these children are in detention centers, some are with family who are undocumented and therefore fearful and in hiding, there are others in detention centers far from anyone they know. Children are children and we cannot look away from this problem.
I was happy that Glennon Melton put together a call for us to help and in 9 hours, raised $1.4 million which will go to an organization to support the legal and social services these children otherwise would not have access to receive. Grateful for Glennon and other leaders who make it easier for those of us who want to help.
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” - Margaret Mead