Today was your end of the year "performance" to celebrate the end of Preschool. We had a great year at St. Joseph's! When we started that school, we had just moved and this was the first time we were going to try our new schedule and our new family dynamic. I'm so proud of your dad and I for managing, even when things get hard, and leading with our commitment to YOU. More than us, I'm so proud of you - for always adjusting, for being brave, for making new friends and handling all of the changes with grace and strength. You are stronger than you will ever know!
So, today, we celebrated. You were nervous - worried that you wouldn't know the songs - but we knew you'd do just great. Guess what - they called your name and you were all smiles for the rest of the performance!! Waving at us, thumbs up, and singing loud & proud! A reminder that bravery isn't not feeling afraid, but it's feeling that fear and doing it anyways.
Once they started announcing your classmates, you clapped for every.single.kid. Your empathy and huge heart have been defining characteristics since you were a baby. ALWAYS looking after others, concerned about them, aware of their feelings. It is a gift that comes so easily to you.
So, today and every day - I am once again a proud mama. On with our journey we go!