“The big prediction for the coming century is that enormous opportunities will open up for businesses that can skillfully address our Flourishing Needs. Technology, the wealth of nations and the shift in public taste will make this very likely. A great many of the multi-billion dollar companies of the future will be those focused on the fulfillment of flourishing needs: our need for self-knowledge around love, our desire for a satisfying social life, or our need for resilience. Bits of the tech sector are already nibbling at the borderline between Comfort and Flourishing needs, a trend aided by the forthcoming development of Artificial Emotional Intelligence. This, rather than the economies of developing nations, are what constitute the truly ‘emerging markets’ of the future.”
Complete article here.
Via Swiss Miss. I whole heartedly agree with this statement and as always, Swiss Miss gets my brain buzzing with thought. My favorite blog on the internet.