A few weeks ago I revisited the "story-telling" podcast genre and finished S-Town. I really enjoyed it and found the depth of character and place (small town Alabama) quite compelling. As someone who works in a lucrative industry and lives in a progressive city and state, I think it's critical to expose myself to people who's circumstances, values and cultures are different than my own. Like a good book, upon its conclusion S-Town left me with a greater sense of empathy and a lot to consider.
These little reminders are out there, hidden in crannies around the world. I recently happened upon a sundial in the cemetery of an old Catholic mission next to a grave. Because of John, I knew to look for the motto. It read, "Nil boni hodie. Diem perdidi." "I did nothing good today. I have lost a day."
"Intimacy is the feeling that I can tell another person my thoughts and my behaviors without fear of judgment. If I can tell them the things that I've done - even the things I'm not proud of - and they're still gonna answer the phone and say, "Hey Olin, how you gettin' along?" - and that's how John would do, say, 'How you gettin' along?' So we did have a close friendship there."