A hobby is defined as something done in your leisure time that brings you pleasure. In my 20's, although seemingly free of most obligation, I found myself filled with anxiety about what *should* I be doing - everyone, it seemed, was contemplating careers, graduate school, future spouses, cross country moves.
I vividly recall many discussions with my roommates, "we need hobbies". My definition of hobbies was too narrow - golf, yoga, running, photography. I could do them but none of them brought my significant joy. I exercise because I see the value in it and there are days and classes when I'm very energized, but more often exercise is a dutiful obligation.
Move forward to 2019 and I could now list a few hobbies; things I do in my leisure time that bring me pleasure. Maintaining this blog / writing. Going to a bookstore. Perusing a small grocery store like Formaggio. Listening to podcasts. Reading social psychology. Trying many small plates while sitting at a bar with a good friend. Attending a workshop on a topic unknown to me. Taking a hike and following it with an indulgent meal or beer. Playing cards or a board game. Planning a trip.
None of these fit in my 20-something definition. I suppose I was imagining the hobby section of Barnes & Noble and wanted something with a magazine I could subscribe to. A reminder to think outside of the self-imposed constraints. Question yourself and your assumptions.