Saturday, February 9, 2019


My little Joseph.  Named for his paternal grandfather, Jose, a man with incredible character, dignity, brains and even disposition.  A man who watched the Oscars with his sons every year in Brazil and taught them to dream big dreams.  A man who instilled and fostered a sense of global curiosity and fearless in his son, and the reason, most likely he traveled the world and met me and J was born.  I am proud to honor him in the way that we have. 

There is another remarkable Joseph.  Joseph Campbell.   A few of his greatest words here for our records. 

"The privilege of a lifetime is being who you are"

"If the path before you is clear, you're probably on someone else's"

"Follow your bliss and the universe will open doors for you where there were only walls"

“You enter the forest
at the darkest point,
where there is no path.

Where there is a way or path,
it is someone else's path.
You are not on your own path.

If you follow someone else's way,
you are not going to realize
your potential.”   - The Hero's Journey