Tuesday, June 11, 2013

six and a half months

My boy, you are six and a half months old as I type this now.  You continue to amaze us every single day.  You have the most wonderful manner, you enjoy it all, and you hardly ever fuss.  You like to be part of the action and your beautiful brown eyes seem to be conscious of everything and everyone around you.   To know you is to love you, baby Joseph.   Your mom and dad, your Grammy, your Tia ---- we all cannot get enough.  Your little smile, your wonderful giggle, the way you hold your hand, your toy, your feet and look with such sincere awe.   I hope this feeling of curiousity about the world around you never goes away.  You are our deepest joy, our most true blessing.   As always, I am filled with overwhelming gratitude that I was chosen to be your mama.

(I love this picture of you, my happy baby!)