Monday, October 30, 2017

Super Joe

You had your first "school dance" this weekend.  Dressed as Super Joe, you saw your friends and danced the day away. 

After the school party we came home and found some neighbors playing outside.  You were so proud to bring all of your toys out to play with the kids and when I asked if you were ready to go home (and leave the common area/patio) you reminded me "we are home!"    Thank you for reminding me to think beyond the four walls.  

On Sunday we got on our bikes for a game of police officer mama and Joe.  "We're after the thief who stole the strawberry cake and when we see him we're going to get him with our magical, monster truck rope and put him into the jail.  Roger that, Officer Mama" 

And our new song is an old song, Paul Simon's "Love me like a Rock".  Nothing could be more true and singing along to it while you pretend to strum a guitar and sing as many of the words as you can fills me up to the brim.   My boy, you are filled with more super powers than you could possibly know.