Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Fiddler on the Roof

We saw Broadway in Boston's production of Fiddler on the Roof last night and it was fantastic!   My dad loved the musical and we grew up with him singing many of the classic hits:  Tradition! Matchmaker..., If I were a rich man....Sunrise, Sunset

The singing, dancing and acting was phenomenal and I smiled through it all - enjoying both the performers and my warm memories of my eclectic father.

A fiddler on the roof. Sounds crazy, no? But here, in our little village of Anatevka, you might say every one of us is a fiddler on the roof trying to scratch out a pleasant, simple tune without breaking his neck. It isn't easy. You may ask, why do we stay up there if it's so dangerous? Well, we stay because Anatevka is our home. And how do we keep our balance? That I can tell you in one word: Tradition!