Wednesday, November 21, 2018

November Rain

I've been slowly getting back to some things I used to love.   My spin classes in Woburn, formerly Fithouse, is one of them.   It feels so good to zone out, listen to the music, (try) to ride to the beat and leave with a nice sweat. 

My favorite is always, and has always been, the post-arm song.  It's usually more reflective and after all the choreography and then burning out our arms, it feels good to have a song just for you.  My very first class there was 12/31/13 and the song was Carry On by Fun.  My boy was just over 1 years old, we had been thru a grueling 13 months and I will never forget tearing up for this song during the ride. 

Last night (in a Rock themed class) we heard Guns N Roses, November Rain.  It's been a cold, rainy November week and the song was about someone needing time to themselves.  It felt so good.  For the first time in 37 years I am truly ready for some time alone.  Like Axel says, everybody needs some time on their own.....