Thursday, June 28, 2012

Wag More, Bark Less

People that know me might be surprised by today's post heading.  I am by no-means an animal lover, but every time I pass a car with that little sticker, I smile.  How true.  Focusing our attention on the good, remembering that everything we are given is a gift and a tool, finding peace in the storm....wagging more, barking less. 

A mental exercise in changing your thoughts from negative or anxious to positive, grateful and calm:

Today I am grateful for: 
My health and my body's willingness to carry a son for us.  
A simply perfect day outside. 
Feeling good. 
A plan in action.
Imperfection and knowing that sometimes an unanswered wish is the very best blessing you can be given.
Life  --- it's ceaseless ways to amaze us, surprise us and remind us that there are infinite ways to get it done.
New chapters ~* 

(Nacha, the most exquisite bakery I ever laid eyes on.  Barcelona, Spain)