Thursday, September 6, 2012

A Moment for the Big Things...

Often times we're reminded to find pleasure and gratitude in the small things.  A cup of coffee, a nice walk, realizing something you love is on sale ;)    But sometimes it's important to take a moment to reflect and recognize the big things.   Today was one of those days...

My husband was sworn in as a US Citizen today.   The ceremony had 350 new citizens representing 79 countries!  They were old and young, men and women, some dressed in suits, others in formal garments of their presumably home countries.   It was a priveldge to be a part of this day.  Not only was it a great honor to share such a happy and pivotal moment with so many deserving people but it was also a great reminder of the wonderful gift so many of us are granted when we are born in this country.

Election years always leave me with mixed emotions.  The parties seem to be increasingly polarized. Everyone has something to gripe about and someone they want to blame, dislike or oppose.  It's easy to lose faith.  Perhaps we all should attend a Naturalization Ceremony to be reminded of the *gift* it is to be here.  The priveldge we all share in enjoying our freedom, our peace, our Constitution.... 

I congratulate my husband on his special day and I sincerely believe that our country gained a great man today.  I hope that we continue to remember that we are ALL more alike than we are different.   I hope that we continue to remember how fortunate we are to get to call this great country our Home.   I hope that we remember to vote to protect the rights of all people, always. 

Today, I'm taking a moment for the big things...  
