I try not to fill this space solely with things I want to buy, wear, own etc. Sure - there are plenty of things on my radar screen but it can become such a bottomless pit of wanting that I try to stay clear of that. Instead, I gravitate towards blogs and online pieces that might share a tidbit of wisdom, a nice thought, a provocative excerpt etc. and try to do the same here.
So today, I'd like to share one with you. If you plan to host an Annual Party of any kind - BBQ, Halloween, Holiday etc. I *really* recommend taking notes for yourself the day after the event. Jot down what worked well, what could have gone better, how much food/drink you had - was it enough, too much - etc. You might think you'll remember but you won't...
We're hosting an Annual Event for my husband's business this weekend and last year on the Monday after I took my own advice and wrote down a whole slew of notes while it was crystal clear and fresh on my mind. Fast forward a year, and I cannot begin to tell you how much time and effort it has saved! Not to mention, hopefully a considerably more smooth day. So that's that. Livin' and Learnin', Friends. Have a great weekend!