Monday, September 10, 2012

And if you ever ask...

Sweet boy, one day you will grow up and you might ask what it was like when you were in my belly - here's what I'd have to say to you (at 29.5 weeks):

  Your dad and I had one of the best summers we can remember.  We spent so much of our time prepping the house for your arrival.  We enjoyed every moment of it.   We laugh a lot in our house.  We dance and play music for you all the time.  There's a Brazilian song by Adriana Calcanhotta, Fico Assim Sim Voce, which your dad plays for you almost every night and swears it's your favorite!  You dance to it more than you dance to any others.  You have been very active, little one.  At night you don't seem to stop.   We think you're happy being in bed with mom & dad.   The three of us....

Time is flying and we know when the moment is just right, we'll get the honor of meeting you in person.  I'm filled with gratitude and overwhelming happiness for how things are.   You've brought so much joy already.
