Thursday, September 19, 2013

Birthday Wishes

This year I'm going to try something different to celebrate my dad's birthday.  For the man that has everything he wants, and who sincerely loves to give ---- his generous spirit is remarkable --- I am going to donate a "Birthday in a Box" in his name.   Birthday Wishes is a local charity that works along side homeless shelters in the area to provide birthday parties to children living in the shelter.

The Birthday in a Box asks that you provide a box of cake, a cake pan, a jar of frosting, a tablecloth, party hats, party decorations and 3-4 birthday gifts.   You can mark the age your box is intended for ---- example, Boy age 5.  

I used to volunteer at a homeless shelter.  The kids were amazing. They were polite, grateful and happy.   We would try and do a little something to celebrate their birthdays, many of the children had never celebrated their birthday before.   I love this tradition and think my dad will too.