Wednesday, June 11, 2014

My baby

Just a pause to write this brief bit for my baby boy who is just melting our hearts - day after day.  1 and a half --- what an awesome age!!   You are still the cuddliest, most affectionate little thing.  Your chubby little arms and legs are pure and simple goodness.   Your little feet are like mini-sweet potatoes.  Ha.  They're wide, plump, and chubby.   Perfectly yours.  I'd know those little feet 100 miles away.   You have your opinions and don't hesitate to wave me off if I put on a song you don't want to hear or offer you something to eat that you're not interested in.

My baby, you have such a lovely rhythm to your day for which I am so grateful.  You wake around 6 and cuddle with me and dad until about 7.  We watch cartoons on the iphone and sing you songs, once in awhile you fall back asleep so comfortable in our arms.  We think you like that time as much as we do.  Around 7:30am your nanny, our wonderful, amazing, loving, nanny joins us and you help her make breakfast.   You love to help in the kitchen so much, it makes leaving for the day easier because I see how happy you are with your Tia.   Cooking, stirring and getting your oatmeal or scrambled eggs ready.   So helpful.  So curious.   I just want to savor every second of your lovable goodness.