Monday, February 25, 2019

Each Other

Coming off a fantastic weekend which included a dinner with my girlfriends, my first time cross country skiing, an impromtu overnight in rural NH and a relaxing Sunday with pizza and naps.   While I am glad to be an independent woman, truly comfortable in her own skin and able to manage time alone with myself and my thoughts, I do prefer the company of good friends and loved ones to  make my joys greater and my sorrows less painful.    Grateful this Monday to have a life filled with love and belly laughter.

"Our ability to give and receive and reciprocate is all that matters.  It's the most pure and human impulse; to escape the excess bullshit and rediscover the essential.  What is essential is not ourselves: it is each other" - Mara Zepeda

(Windblown Cross Country Skiing, New Ipswich NH)