Tuesday, May 28, 2013


Just a post holiday weekend note of gratitude.  

Grateful for my sweet baby --- his chubby little legs and perfectly pudgy little fingers.  His giggles, his smiles, his kind and gentle demeanor.  He is growing so fast, playing with toys now....so excited to hold his feet while we get him dressed on the changing table or he plays in his crib.  My boy, perfection.

Grateful for lovely Boston seasons.  I love the change.  It goes from bitter cold to stifling heat but the inbetween, ahhh...the in-between.   Spring and Fall.  A little crispness in the air, an easy breeze.  Luscious green.  Good stuff.

Grateful for my relationship.  Not always easy but always worth the work.  My heart is full and my soul is happy.

Life is good. and I am grateful. 
