Friday, October 5, 2012


Our sweet niece and Goddaughter turns 1 next week.   We wanted to create a little tradition of giving her something "special" each year for her birthday in addition to the usual toy, outfit etc.   In Brazil, Godparents have an extremely close relationship with their Godchildren and my husband wants to keep that spirit alive here with our U.S. born Goddaughter.

I had pinned this book so long ago (maybe years ago?) and knew it would be the perfect gift for our little one's 1st birthday.   Laikonik books are handmade in Australia by an extremely responsive and kind woman and the shipping really didn't take too long - maybe slightly longer than a week.   There is really nothing else on the market quite like this.  It's not a traditional "baby book" that requires you to fill in lots of random stats and pictures etc.  Instead, it requires just *one* photo from the year, be it a birthday picture, a picture of a something special the child did --- whatever you want.  A small space allows for you to write a few memories from the year and that's it!   By age 18, the beautiful handcrafted book will have become a collection of pictures to document their childhood, or as the sweet packaging says "the gift of the story of their life".  

Visit the website for more information...