Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Yoga in the 3rd trimester

I've tried to keep a fairly consistent yoga practice throughout this pregnancy but now that I'm in the final weeks, it seems more important than ever.  My body feels tired and a bit achy by the end of the day and realistically I still have at least 5 weeks to go. I want to continue to enjoy the pregnancy and life before baby's arrival as much as possible.  I know the key to this will be continuing to feel strong, energized and healthy to the best of my ability.

I've tried hard, and it hasn't been too difficult, to focus on gratitude throughout this pregnancy journey.  I feel tremendously grateful for my body and it's ability to sustain this little person who will soon join us in the world.   Maintaining a somewhat dedicated 3rd trimester yoga practice will allow me to continue to focus on breath, gratitude, and it feels pretty great after a long day of work.

Here is a guide to some simple yet effective postures I have found particularly helpful.  Also, my recommendation would be to take various classes, I take a local class and also use yogaglo at home to help find positions that feel really good to me.  All of our bodies carry these little babes differently so it's no surprise that we react differently to various postures.  Play around and see what feels best. 

This simple standing downdog with hands on the wall is probably my favorite.  It really helps alleviate some back strain, especially after sitting all day.  I take little breaks throughout the day, close the door to the conference room and just stretch like this for a few minutes.  It's really rejuvenating.