Tuesday, January 17, 2012


Hard to say anything about this fabulous restaurant that hasn't already been said, so I'll just say ---- if you're a somewhat adventurous eater who is into local and seasonal food, excellent service, and a quaint French Country inspired setting - I highly recommend you head over to this East Cambridge joint, you won't be disappointed.

Bondir was the only New England restaurant to be included on Bon Appetit's Top 10 New Restaurants List, which was what originally peaked my curiosity.  In my opinion, Boston is home to a lot of restaurants that lack real quality.  The food seems to be an after thought to funky decor, trendy neighborhoods or "celebrity" chefs.  That's not to say there aren't some standouts.  There really are.  You just have to dig a little deeper and trust the source of your recommendations.   Bon Appetit has never lead me astray, nor did it this time around.

Bondir provided us with a remarkable and special birthday dinner.  The food was exquisite and satisfying and the ambiance made me feel far away from home.  A+

(image from the Bondir website)

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