Monday, November 21, 2011

Working on My Fitness

I'm not a natural athlete.  Never have been, never will be.  But I've finally found a few things that work for me.  A consistent theme around here that you may have noticed is - find something that works for you, that's all.  For a long time I tried to trick myself into learning to like to run.  The truth is, it's just not for me.  Nothing makes me feel LESS engaged than running on a treadmill in a crowded gym. 

But I still need to keep up with my cardio...enter boxing.  This is not cardio-boxing taught by your local aerobics instructor.  This is the real deal. This is gloves on, 1-2 combinations, heavy bags, boxing.  It is FANTASTIC and the hardest workout I've ever experienced.  What I love about it though is I'm actually learning something.  Each week, I can feel myself making steps forward.  The a-ha moment when you hit the bag right because your hip was rotating and you weren't just flailing from the shoulder.  There is so much to think about --- hands up, stance correct, hips turning, slip, jab, hook. If you are not totally engaged and focused, you just can't do it.  And to be totally engaged and focused on what I'm doing means my mind is not anywhere else.  And perhaps that is what I really love about it.  After an hour, I'm not only drenched in sweat and high with natural endorphins but I've forgotten about whatever was on my mind before the class started.   I love my Monday nights. 

....but why when you search boxing on Pinterest is every picture of a super model sexpot in her underwear?! 

Here's my own coach. She's totally badass, doesn't box in her underwear, and is the 3x Golden Glove Champ!

Boxing/MMA Training
(images - my own)

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