Tuesday, December 6, 2011


“This house sheltered us, we spoke, we loved within those walls. That was yesterday. Today we pass on, we see it no more, and we are different, changed in some infinitesimal way. We can never be quite the same again.”  - Daphne du Maurier, Rebecca

What does your community mean to you?  My hometown was a very special place.  My parents have moved and my siblings and I no longer live there, however there is a part of me that remains tied to it.  Recently, some not so great news has bestowed upon the town and my heart goes out to everyone that is involved.  I hope that the community's best days are not behind it.  There is a future generation that deserves the very same greatness that I had.  I was raised in a town that I have always been proud to say that I am from.  I was raised in a town that has given me extraordinary memories and lifelong friends.  I was raised in a town where teachers truly cared about us. 

I have no intention to raise my family in that town.  As wonderful as it was, it's important for me to create new and unique memories for my family.  However, when I search for a place to raise my children, I will look for many of the characteristics that my hometown possessed.  I will be looking for a place with good neighbors, a place with people who know the right thing to do, a place where people care not only what is best for themselves but what is best for the community.  Despite currrent events, I remain optimistic that I will be able to find it.


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