Thursday, December 1, 2011

Vata, Pitta, Kapha...

Have you read about Ayurveda?  The word translates to the Science of Life and it is an ancient system that recognizes there are three essential energies (Vata, Pitta and Kapha) that govern our mind and body.  Each of us has a unique combination of these and if you're interested, you can take a simple test via Deepak Chopra's website and learn which one is dominant within you. 

My test reveals that I bend towards Pitta.  According to Ayurveda, if Pitta dominates we tend to be intense, intelligent, and goal-oriented with a strong appetite for life.  Yep. I'd say that's accurate.   However, when Pitta is out of balance a person can be compulsive, irritable and can suffer from indigestion or inflammation problems.  Yep.  I'd say that's accurate too.  

The goal of Aruyveda is to learn how to maintain a balance of the three energies.  By balancing your vata, pitta and kapha energy through sensory exercises - diet, music, aromatherapy, meditation - you can aim to keep your energies in good proportion.  Proper balance will help keep your body, mind and spirit in good health.

Here is a little more about Pitta via The Chopra Centre for Wellness:

"Balancing Pitta requires opening up some space during your day so you are not perpetually generating friction. Think soothing and cooling. Here are some tips to maximize balance and well-being:

  • Take a yoga class – it's non-competitive yet will still give you a great workout
  • Perform a daily self massage with soothing herbalized oil
  • Take deep breaths throughout the day
  • Avoid drinking caffeine or alcohol – it fuels the fire
  • Eat your largest meal of the day at lunch and favor cooling foods with a predominance of bitter, sweet, and astringent tastes
  • Drink Soothing Tea
  • Put your full attention on your meals when eating
  • Stay cool
  • Meditate twice a day to calm the mind and soothe the body
  • Find time each day to un-plug and relax
  • Wear soothing fragrances
  • Listen to medium tempo melodies
  • Minimize heavy reading, eating, or watching TV right before bed
  • Diffuse soothing fragrances into your environment
  • Favor cool and soft colors – blues, greens and white
  • Spend time each day communing with nature"
So interesting.

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