Monday, December 19, 2011


What a wonderful weekend.  It was hectic and rushed and busy but it was perfect.  Because of our travel schedules, this weekend was our family Christmas.  Every year, on the Sunday before Christmas we all get together to carry on the tradition my grandfather and his 7 siblings started more than 70 years ago.  By now, there are 5 generations in attendance.  There are 90 year olds and newborns.  Each year spouses and babies are added.  Each year the party grows.  Our family grows.  It's an incredibly casual event; there is no pressure, no dress code, no rules for the kids to follow.  They sing Christmas songs and Santa visits. When we were kids we sat on his lap to get our early Christmas present, now it's my nieces turn.

Everyone is busy. We all have more work, school and social commitments than we can even manage. But for this one Sunday everyone pauses and makes it their priority to be there and this year was no different.  Once again it was a packed house... a special moment for everyone.  This is our family.  This is who we are.  And this is what it's about.


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